Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Old Dancer is Back!

14 Apr 10

Calling Dancer today and he looked up at me then put his nose back down and continued to eat grass. I was aghast. Call him once again, he decided to come. The new spring grass must taste great.

Grooming was on the agenda today as his winter coat is really coming out now. He looked great. Saddling him up, put on my boots and hat, the two of us were ready to go.

First lunging Dancer with the help of the little kitty, we worked well as a team of three. Dancer lunged beautifully. I was very pleased as he halted when asked, trotted etc. The little kitty played with the end of the lunge whip the entire time.

Following the lunging we entered the outdoor arena for a ride. Dancer walked in a grid pattern for me, then completed numerous circles. They were nice circles too. He has a hard time walking in a straight line, but after some practice he was completing this exercise with ease.

We again shared the paddock with the little kitty, only this time the two Chinese geese joined us too. At one point the geese flapped their wings, honking at Dancer before running from the arena. Dancer didn't even flinch despite behaving so skittish the other day. It seems my solid guy has returned.

Working at the trot, using the little inner part of the ring, as the outer part had recently been disked, Dancer was quite sluggish. Pushing him into the newly ploughed outer part of the ring he moved beautifully. In fact he loved it.

We trotted for over my ten minute minimum time for exercise. Dancer loved the exercise, however my breath was laboured with all the trotting. More exercise is needed for the rider, I suppose. After cooling us off, unsaddling and sweeping the floor, I took Dancer out to his pasture. He enjoyed one of the Horse Patootie Treats I made him.

As to exercise today, I am counting this as 1 hour, with grooming, walking to and from the pasture, lunging and riding!

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