Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Going Vegan!

Day one went well!

Dinner was crispy tofu steaks with rice and veggies. I found the recipe on Pinterest. Instead of barbecue sauce, I used sweet Chili sauce. It was great!

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Stir Fry and Greens

Another night of greens on one side of the plate and stir fry on the other.

We used up the rest of the spring onions, yellow zucchini, broccoli, Swiss chard, kale, garlic scapes and basil. I finished the Shitakke mushrooms too.

The sauce was honey, Dijon and lemon, on the greens.

We had a Marco gf turkey burger with cheese on top. And yes, no bun!

One dinner of greens left of spinach and leaf lettuce. I am keeping the beets for a small batch of pickled beets!

Wonder what Saturday will bring at Lunar Rhythm Gardens!