Sunday, April 18, 2010

Dancer's Moves

My Round Rug: Harry helped me finish the rug while Oli watch. I am happy to say that I have finished hooking this rug. Most is from reclaimed fabric, and I hand dyed all of it (with the help of my friend Mrs. Parent). This rug was started at least 25 years ago and I am done! Yippee!!

Alan dropped me off at the farm this afternoon. Rod was using the little backhoe to dig up bushes by the horses pasture.

Nava was not in with Dancer as her owner was having a visit. Well, between Nava gone and the machinery, Dancer was working himself up into a sweat.

Bringing him into the barn he remained anxious in cross ties. I had to close the back door and he still wouldn't settle down. Eventually he settled down after brushing him for about 15 minutes.

Lunging with the surcingle (?) in the outdoor arena was fun. We worked for over a 1/2 hour steady. He behaved very well with only a few questionable halts.

Back to the barn and we got ready for some riding. Dancer was wonderful. He trotted well - no spooking or skittering - despite the fact that the machinery was running close by and that Nava was running up and down. It was me that needed to stop. I trotted for over ten minutes. We even cantered. Dancer's head set and movement were beautiful. I was quite pleased with him.

Returning Dancer to the field, I walked him half way down to the water trough. Here I put his Horse Patootie in the feed bucket and left him. Part way back, I suddenly realized that I was hearing a horse, I turned and here was Dancer trotting to catch up with me, ears up and eager...I am sure it was in hope there was another treat.

Today, I lunged for a 1/2 hour and rode for a 1\2 hour, so I am counting this as one hour exercise. My biceps are getting a work out too, as they are aching. I didn't count the 15 minutes brushing and
the walking to and from the paddock - it is a bit of a distance after all.

1 comment:

Lintilly said...

Hey Kath, the rug is beautiful!
Horse patootie??
