Tuesday, April 13, 2010

22 Degrees Celcius!!

At last it is warming up. (72 degrees F.) Dancer is still loosing his winter coat. It is quite funny that the long hairs, that are about two inches long, don't fall out.

I decided to lunge in the outdoor arena today. Then I would ride in the arena. The little barn cat came and joined us again. She follows the end of the lunge whip and manages to stay out from under the horses feet.

Dancer was very well behaved. We had no wind, and no outside distractions. He lunged like a dream. When I rode him, I only managed about ten minutes. I was so sore from all the walking in my wellies yesterday.

I am going to have to start timing my trotting to build up my stamina. It has been so long since I have done any serious riding. I was having trouble keeping my heals down.

Rosie gave me some pointers. I still couldn't manage much of a trot. I will have to keep practicing.

I can only count this as 1/2 hour of excercise. I have to figure out a way to compile this my hours of exercise...thanks to my daughter Lisa.

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