Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Heavy Rain Drops

What a night, I was sick last night with food poisoning! Well I didn't get out to see Dancer for long today.

Dancer is less hairy, the lovely summer coat is almost in. After grooming him and cleaning his feet we were pelted with rain drops. I was grooming him outside to enjoy the weather when rain swept in. Even the baby bunny took off.

Dancer came into the barn and patiently waited while I put the brushes away. We then made the dash for the paddock. By the time we arrived at the gate the drops had stopped. It really didn't down pour, but the sky had that dark look about it.

Tomorrow the vet is visiting for his spring shots and general check up. I will have to spend lots of time grooming before the vet comes as Dancer is still very dusty.

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