Sunday, August 11, 2013

Sunday's Practice

Had a lovely practice today. We played some circling games then sideways games.

I was particularly pleased with the sideways game when I was facing Dancer. 

Our dressage practice was a hard work out. Both Dancer and I were drenched by the time we were done. We practiced walk trot transitions, trot to canter transitions and worked on our rhythm and fluidity of the gaits. Oh and I can't forget  steering using half halts,  after half an hour of practice, Dancer was moving beautifully. I have so much to learn.

I am to keep asking him to move the ribs to also build his stifle muscles. They arecovered in sweat, even more than his whole body, which had sweat on it. Melanie says you want this in order to develop the muscle. We will be working on other muscles as we go.

I gave Dancer a bath to cool him off. Then I took him out to eat lots of grass

Things to remember from the last lesson:
1. At the canter sit on the hip on the outside of the circle
2. When giving pressure to move the rib cage, don't do it all the time, just do it occassionally to remind him to move it.
3. Do not ride on the rail. Bring him in about two feet. Remember to steer the horse using the outside leg and half halts.
4. Previous lesson, remember to keep moving the trot to a much faster trot. If he canters, work the canter before asking for thetrot again!
5. Remember to break up the ride with rests for both you and the horse giving a long rein.

Tomorrow noon is our next lesson!

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