Thursday, August 15, 2013

Practice Makes Perfect!

Plenty of Practice

The last three days have been awesome! Dancer and I are practising all the lessons Melanie has set out for us.

Tuesday we practiced for over 1/2 an hour and that was plenty! We were exhausted from Monday's lesson. We played with our Parelli games outside, waiting for the pony camp to finish up for lunch. Then it was ten minutes of trotting like a 17 hand Hanoverian before Dancer started to become supple. 

I was so pleased. His head came down and he was so smooth and responsive, riding was a dream. He enjoyed a bath following our practice and the camp girls came to help out. I needed a bath or shower as much as he did. We were both dripping g wet with sweat.

 Dancer was so attentive in both his Parelli practice and the dressage practice. I found that he responds well to my hands low on his withers. The contact and the rut gum came naturally. We spent some time working the trot to canter transitions, back and forth, in both directions. I was particularly pleased that he didn't try to slide to the wall on the right circle. Much easier now that I am understanding half halts.

Wednesday was very interesting. We worked outside for twenty minutes. That didn't include the Parelli games we started with and his cool down at the end. Some of the challenges were the wind, the linesmen cutting down the trees on the side of the road, the footing is different, no walls and the heat of the sun! Dancer and I still managed to find suppleness with his lowered head. He was trotting beautifully in the figure eights. 

Otherwise, I spent most of the day working on horsey bags for the campers. They were such fun. I was pleased that I had enough letters so they could put both their name and their horses on them. It was a great way to use up horse fabric!

My lesson had to be cancelled as Melanie was unwell. Dancer and I went on as though ah was there and had a terrific workout!

First I played on line with all the obstacles the campers were using. I was very impressed with their Parelli skills. We played with the zigzag poles, the backing up station and the serpentine pylons. The campers were having greater success getting their horses front feet in the tire than I did!

Next I gave each of the campers a wee ride on Dancer. Then I rode at a walk, to save energy for my lesson, and played with all the obstacles. It was a lot of fun watching the campers progress in their riding. 

We took a snack break then Dancer and I  went on as though we were having a lesson. I am so pleased to say that Dancer immediately came down on the bit beautifully at a walk trot and canter!

When I picked my reins up at the walk, I didn't have to ask for a nice horse walk, he was already eager! This is such an improvement over his pony walk! 

We worked at a trot doing figure eights and circles trying to keep off the wall at a nice rhythmic pace. I hardly had to ask him to pick up the pace he kept up a nice working trot. I was very careful to keep the rhythm   and suppleness as we changed direction. I had to constantly think about this because as soon as I lost any focus, so did he!

Part way through Dancer kept tripping up on his back feet. I was concerned and  gave him a rest and that helped. Melanie told me that he would need frequent rests as this is hard work.

 Keeping the dressage whip in my left hand certainly helped with steering. We worked for fifty minutes and then I cooled him off. What a drastic improvement! I am loving the lessons!

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