Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Camp Kids!

The camp kids are exceptionally exited about riding today.  They were shrieking in the hay mow providing me the opportunity to practice my emergency stops.  Dancer and Shirez spooked! I was on Dancer and Telma was on the ground.  After a few episodes the camp kids went on their merry way!

We had fun with the sideways game, porcupine game and laying down!  While laying down was a little slow, he put his head down when I asked!  Eventually he went down.  Today I just let him roll. Tomorrow I will be asking him to wait!

We cantered both directions and using my position he went from canter to walk! I am very pleased!  

One thing I have learned from Todd Owen, my Parelli instructor, was to show that I am pleased and Dancer sure responds!

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