Thursday, June 30, 2016

Finesse with Dancer!

Dancer and I had a terrific ride, playing with 'Finesse' for a future Parelli level. We warmed up for about ten minutes then worked on this new exercise. We rode in the arena, out of the sun, with windows open. First working on the figure eight at each gait. In the centre I asked him to stop, bring his hind end over two steps into the circle causing a bend for Thenew direction and Viola, we cantered ten foot circles on the correct lead each time.  With a bit of practice this translates to a nice flying lead change, thanks to David Crowley from Calgary!

We closed all the windows and big door while I was still on Dancer.  Headed out to the obstacle field! Boy do I love that field! Had a great gallop in the obstacle field. Jumped, rode through ditches and played on the enormous tire pedestals!

Now for lunch!  I am trying to use all the veggies from our 1/2 farm share each week. Sunday I made he mango curry again, only this time I used tiny potatoes and chicken! Just as delicious as the last time. Andrew loved it so much he took the leftovers home!
Back to lunch  I'm having a chicken Salad made from the 1/2 farm share of veggies from Lunar Rhythm Gardens. Wow the  chocolate mint tastes great in the salad! I am going to cultivate some in a pot so we can haven't next year. Wonder what it tastes like in iced tea?

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