Monday, May 20, 2013

Dancer's Bath

Dancer is now in a field with two lovely grey geldings. It is nice to see him with friends in a small group. He has a nice grassy field that is shaded by trees.

I opened the window of the car and called to Dancer. By the time I had my Parelli halter and stick, he was waiting by the gate.

I am still working hard at removing his winter  coat. Lots of hair was covering the floor by the time I had finished.

His feet are looking nice, Bob the blacksmith, is working to remove all the cracks caused by his previously poor diet.

We played for 45 minutes then I gave him a bath.

The bath was fun. Dancer drank from the hose! I soaped him down with only a tiny bit of soap.  I was worried about having troubles rinsing it from his coat and tail. I rinsed him well then scrapped him down. He was soaked!

We went into the arena where I asked Dancer to lie down. He did it after four steps!  I am sure that being wet helped! He had a good roll before I returned him to his field!

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