Monday, May 20, 2013

Parelli Lessons have Begun!

Dancer and I had our first lesson in over a year! It was wonderful!

Todd Owens a three star instructor from Uxbridge came on Monday night for lessons.  We were in a groupmlesson with Laura and Jackie.

After a year off, I soon realized that I needed a lot of help. Todd had us playing one of the friendly games in order to improve the draw in the Yo Yo game. Also, I practiced throwing a rope over Dancer's head without hitting him in zone 1 or the sensative zone.

Next, we worked from the end of the 22 foot line disengaging his hind quarters full 360 degree circle. That was challenging as Todd improved the quality of asking and the quality of his response. I had to spend time relearning how to swing the rope in a rythmic manner. This worked verymwell!

We then worked on moving the front quarters around keeping one leg from moving. I found this challenging as we hadn't done it from 22 feet before.

We finished by spending time with the circling game.  We were to complete two circles at a walk, then two at a trot, followed by two at a canter.  Todd showed us how to complete this with a purpose.

I have practiced these games varying them to keep up the fun all week! Dancer has reaponded very well to them!

Dancer's Bath

Dancer is now in a field with two lovely grey geldings. It is nice to see him with friends in a small group. He has a nice grassy field that is shaded by trees.

I opened the window of the car and called to Dancer. By the time I had my Parelli halter and stick, he was waiting by the gate.

I am still working hard at removing his winter  coat. Lots of hair was covering the floor by the time I had finished.

His feet are looking nice, Bob the blacksmith, is working to remove all the cracks caused by his previously poor diet.

We played for 45 minutes then I gave him a bath.

The bath was fun. Dancer drank from the hose! I soaped him down with only a tiny bit of soap.  I was worried about having troubles rinsing it from his coat and tail. I rinsed him well then scrapped him down. He was soaked!

We went into the arena where I asked Dancer to lie down. He did it after four steps!  I am sure that being wet helped! He had a good roll before I returned him to his field!

Jessica's First Horse Show

Jessica's first hores show was at the Horse Palace, down town Toronto, last Monday night.

Jessica was wonderful as she rode a new horse in her classes. She did an excellent job in her first class placing first in Equitation. She placed fifth in jumping, a flat class with jumping components. Photos will follow when Alan sends them to me!

Congratulations Jessica!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Dancer's New Home!

Dancer is in his new home at Bright Arrow. He is in a lovely one acre field with lots of grass and
 has begun to settle in nicely.

We played at Parelli on Thursday and Friday evenings. 

Today I played many of the games;  yoyo, porcupine, circling, sideways, driving, friendly, and go touch it. We played the go touch it with the trailer.

I rode Dancer in the arena working on transitions.

We rode outside with Coffee and his owner. They walked, as her horse has a sore back. After exploring, I untacked and gave Dancer a bath. I love the wash stall!

We finished up with Dancer and I playing with the trailer using the yoyo, driving, go touch it and friendly game with the trailer. Then I let him eat the clumps of clover and long grass around the stable.

After a quick tidy up I headed home.

At home I got the edging for a queen size quilt sewn and ironed!

We are off to the Parents for dinner and rug hooking!