Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Our first ride!

The month in Calgary was wonderful. Spent lots of time with Lisa and her pup, Hunter. While he is big enough to be a horse, he is still a dog.  Lisa still has the horse costume, saddle and bridle. They now use it for Halloween, instead of the stampede.

I certainly missed Dancer! It has been a month since I was in the saddle.

I brushed him, saddled him and then played Parelli games before riding. He was not as sluggish as yesterday. This evening was nice and cool for riding.

I tried to remember all the pointers Melanie Thompson gave me when I rode. Keep a good contact. Use the dressage whip to bring on a good strong horse trot. If he canters when asking for a faster trot, ride in tight little circles, keeping the canter. Then ask for the trot. You need rhythm at the trot, and I can't remember the third thing! Also, I am to squeeze my inside leg on all gaits, just as the inside leg moves forward. Moving that rib out of the way of the back leg sure makes for a nice ride.

We practiced lots of trotting and cantering. I still only rode for 40 minutes as I haven't ridden in a month.

Dancer stood just in the hall by the arena where I unsaddled and unbridled him. He waited while I put all my equipment away.

Dancer enjoyed a cool down, then lots of grass before he was put in the paddock. I practiced the finer skills using the Parelli stick while he ate.

It is great to be back in the saddle.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Dancer Recognized Me!

I have just spent a month in Calgary visiting with our daughter Lisa and her grey hound Hunter!

I called to dancer and he turned right away and was looking at me with his ears up!

His colour has changed so much. He is almost a golden bay with lots of dapples. I groomed him in the shade where he could eat the grass. Then, we played with Parelli for ages in the arena.

I am so lucky that I have Jessica to look after Dancer when I am away. He looked marvelous.

I have contacted Melanie Thompson for dressage lessons. She is going to start immediately! I met her at the Renaissance Rider's spring camp. I'll have to write on that another day.